Today we have brought for you all Vision IAS Ethics Case Studies Notes PDF Free Download [Printed Study Material] this pdf is best for GS-IV if you are one of those who are preparing for the UPSC CSE exam seriously then you must download from the given link below.
are a series of case studies on ethical issues that can arise in the course of doing physics research. Many of the studies are accompanied by discussion. These are intended to be educational resources for researchers, mentors, and students.
Case studies capture a range of perspectives, as opposed to the single view of an individual you get with a survey response or interview. it is very important for the UPSC IAS exam we have provided a link of these notes below you can grab it if the link is not available please comment below.
- Ethics and Human Interface
- Aptitude
- Attitude and Behavior
- Tolerance and Compassion towards the weaker sections.
- Foundational Values of Civil Services
- Emotional Intelligence
- Ethics in Public Administration
- Medical
- Environmental
- Probity in Governance
- Ethical Issues in International Relations and Funding
- Corporate Governance.
Our ethics knowledge from history syllabus
We already have great knowledge from our general studies and prelims. The general studies syllabus of the UPSC paper 1, 2 & 3 covers most knowledge a person with normal intelligence should know about.
History is a great source of learning and anecdotes for ethics, morality, and their examples. Forex. Raja Ram Mohan Roy – famous for the abolition of sati. He witnessed the sati of his own sister-in-law. He then arose and fought until sati was abolished.
Gandhiji used to clean his own toilet. He also used to clean the toilets of the office of the congress working committee. The purpose was to persuade others, and teach people that there is no loss of dignity in cleaning the toilets. It also served the overarching purpose of liberating Harijan from the evil of untouchability because of the assigned job to clean toilets. Shop picketing during Swadeshi boycott movement was based on persuasion.